Join Jeremy Jacob for a unique pirate adventure...babysitting! This Book Sense Book of the Year award winner is wrought with humor and pirate jargon to keep you and your child thoroughly entertained. The author has done a wonderful job creating the voice of a young boy, Jeremy Jacob, as the narrator who explains his visit from the pirates as if it were an everyday occurrence. The skillfully painted pictures fill the pages, fleshing out the story with loud, action-packed scenes brimming with humorous details. Your child will love to flip through the pictures on their own, as they tell the story rather adequately alone. The pirates are the same goofy bunch from the first book, How I Became a Pirate,in Jeremy's pirate adventures, so your child can identify them and find their favorite.
Just like Jeremy's other pirate adventures, the characters' stilly antics and expressive faces provide ample amounts of humor on every page. You and your child will be laughing at the replica of Braid Beard's mother that basically look like him in a wig, the full-face shot of Jeremy's baby sister screaming full throttle, Braid Bear's misunderstanding the 'babysitting' meant to literally sit on a baby, or the pirates putting diapers on the cat, dog, and even their heads! The fun new pirate colloquialisms on every page, like "caterwaulin," "shiver my timbers," or Braid Beard's references to the baby as "the wee lass" encourage you to really play the part and develop distinct voices for Jeremy and Braid Beard. The more exaggerated and creative you get with the reading, the more fun your child will have with the book. Go ahead and play pirate peekaboo, dance pirate jigs, and sing sea chanteys with Jeremy Jacob and the pirates!
My husband Nate reads this book often to our friend, Adam, who is going through a major pirate phase right now. Adam loves to wear a bandana on his head like Jeremy Jacob, has a fake eye patch from an old Halloween pirate costume, and has even been known to call me a "wee lass." If it were up to Adam, we would read the Jeremy Jacob pirate adventure books all day, every day.