Little One Books YouTube Commercial Contest
Submission Form
Little One Books is producing a YouTube commercial featuring the beloved classic book Goodnight Moon. Submit a video of your child interacting with the book. Use your creative and directing skills to produce a video that is fun, silly, heartwarming, or anything in between. This can be a project that the whole family can enjoy. If you don't have a copy of the book, check out your local library.

Submission deadline is October 15, 2011
  all fields are required
First Name:
Your E-Mail:
Child's Name:
Child's Age:
Video URL:    How do I do this?
Accept: Please read the below terms, then type "accept" into the box below, to agree to the terms and conditions of this contest.

•By providing Little One Books the URL to your video, you are giving us permission to use all or part of the video for a YouTube commercial. We will not use the video for any other purpose without further consent from you.

•Adults and other children can be part of the video. However, it must include at least one child who is no older than 5.

•Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes.

•Submit only one video per e-mail address, per child.

•Videos must represent the theme of the contest.

•Videos used in the commercial will be selected by Little One Book staff.

•If your video is selected to be part of the YouTube commercial, you will be notified via e-mail and receive a $10 Gift Certificate to Little One Books.

•We will randomly choose a winner from those videos featured in the commercial to win a $50 Gift Certificate to Little One Books.